Unlike the majority of BAFs that are available to investors, NJ BAF is unique in terms of its investment process, both stock selection (for the equity component) and debt-equity asset allocation. NJ BAF is a purely rule-based active mutual fund that uses various investment factors for its investment decisions. NJ BAF uses 4 style factors, namely Value, Quality, Momentum, and Low Volatility, for stock selection, while it uses a mix of macroeconomic factors such as Equity Risk Premium, Interest Rates, and Money Supply (Macroeconomic Liquidity) for dynamically changing its asset allocation between the debt and equity components.
This pure rule-based active investment process gives investors a real diversification opportunity of spreading their investment portfolio between traditional BAFs and a pure rule-based active NJ BAF.
For more information about style vs macroeconomic factors, please visit https://www.njfactorbook.com/subfactor/factor-categories-macroeconomic-vs-style
NJ Balanced Advantage Fund
An open-ended dynamic asset allocation fund

The riskometer is based on the portfolio of April 30, 2022 and is subject to periodic review and change, log onto www.njmutualfund.com for updates.
Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.