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Performance of Value Factor Across Markets: USA, Europe, and India

The analysis of the Value factor across the USA, Europe, and India provides insights into its long-term performance trends and cyclicality. The line graphs illustrate the relative growth of the Value indices against their benchmarks, while the tables highlight period-wise performance trends over different market cycles.

Source : Bloomberg. This chart depicts the growth in the NAV of S&P 500 Enhanced Value TRI vis-a-vis that of the S&P 500 TRI over the period 5th July 1995 to 31st December 2024. All the NAVs are in USD and have not been converted to INR. All the indices have been scaled to $1,000 as of 5th July 1995. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and is not an indication of future return.

Source : Bloomberg. This chart depicts the growth in the NAV of S&P Europe 350 Enhanced Value TRI vis-a-vis that of the S&P Europe 350 TRI over the period 15th July 2014 to 31st December 2024. All the NAVs are in EUR and have not been converted to INR. All the indices have been scaled to €1,000 as of 15th July 2014. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and is not an indication of future return.

Source : NSE. This chart depicts the growth in the NAVs of Nifty 500 Value 50 TRI vis-a-vis that of the Nifty 500 TRI over the period 1st April 2005 to 31st December 2024. All the indices have been scaled to Rs.1,000 as of 1st April 2005. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and is not an indication of future return.

Period-wise Summary of Factor Performance: Value Vs Market
Region Period Annualised Return (%) 3-Year Median Rolling Return (%) 10-Year Median Rolling Return (%)
Value Market value Market Value Market
USA Jul 5, 1995 - Dec 31, 2000 19.82 19.32 21.12 25.80 - -
Jan 1, 2001 - Dec 31, 2006 12.27 2.94 14.49 8.98 - -
Jan 1, 2007 - Dec 31, 2012 -0.61 2.29 0.10 1.58 - -
Jan 1, 2013 - Dec 31, 2018 12.10 12.15 9.59 10.90 - -
Jan 1, 2019 - Dec 31, 2024 11.47 16.95 10.39 10.35 - -
Entire Period 10.66 10.36 10.53 11.20 8.76 7.98
Europe Jul 15, 2014 - Dec 31, 2018 2.54 2.97 7.87 3.61 - -
Jan 1, 2019 - Dec 31, 2024 9.77 10.55 10.01 8.99 - -
Entire Period 6.62 7.25 7.66 7.60 7.03 7.60
India Apr 1, 2005 - Dec 31, 2012 16.52 14.79 22.36 8.58 - -
Jan 1, 2013 - Dec 31, 2018 11.32 12.75 18.33 13.11 - -
Jan 1, 2019 - Dec 31, 2024 23.32 17.20 39.37 19.28 - -
Entire Period 17.03 14.96 16.12 13.11 14.08 12.75

Source : Bloomberg, NSE. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and is not an indication of future return.The S&P 500 Enhanced Value TRI, S&P Europe 350 Enhanced Value TRI, & Nifty 500 Value 50 TRI are used to represent the Value index for the USA, Europe and India regions respectively. The S&P 500 TRI, S&P Europe 350 TRI, & Nifty 500 TRI are used to represent the market index for the USA, Europe and India regions respectively.